Thursday, September 29, 2016

Honey's Maze: Part I

The Maze

Top Half of "Honey's Maze" Pattern

For the past month or so, I've been working on a quilt that I dreamt up about a year ago when I was doodling on some isometric paper.  (Look here for printable isometric paper: Printable Paper or CustomGraph.)

As I mentioned in The Dream, I like to doodle to come up with designs.  I have a lot of drawings that aren't very good, but that's ok because, every once in a while, something just comes to life on the paper.  I never start a doodle thinking that I have to produce a home run.  Rather, I start a doodle thinking, "I wonder what it would look like if I did this."

Hanging Columns

Sometimes it looks awful.  Sometimes not.  For me, it's all part of the process.

So, last year, I chanced upon a design that looked fun to me.  I'm really not sure what to call it, but I've chosen to call it a maze.  It's not really a maze, but it does kind of look like one, so there ya go.

Also, since I plan on giving it to fiancé, I've added "Honey" to the name and, therefore, it's called "Honey's Maze."  I actually like the sound of that.

I reduced the pattern to blocks that I numbered and created individually.  Then I assembled them in columns, and, finally, I assembled the columns.

Columns Assembled

The Table

Honey's Table
In the midst of doodling fever last year, I also came up with another strange design.  I always liked it, but I'm not sure how anyone else would feel about it.  Truth is, I didn't much care about that because I do like the oddity of it.

Initially I planned to make a full sized quilt from that design, but somewhere along the way, someone suggested that maybe it would look good as a wall-hanging.  I'm dreadfully sorry that I don't remember who suggested that to me.  If you're reading this and know who you are, feel free to let me know and take credit.

Then, I got to thinking about combining these two projects.  What if I used the same fabric in both?  One would be the bedspread and the other a complementary wall-hanging.  I did like that idea.  So, naturally, I call the second design "Honey's Table."

Construction of "Honey's Table" has been an ad hoc affair so far.  I've just looked at what needed to be done and built it as I go.  It's not very efficient, but it seems to be getting the job done.

I decided to create columns and then sew the columns together.  If this doesn't make sense to you, or if there's a more obvious way to do it, all I can say is that it didn't occur to me at the time.

To date, the top of Honey's Maze is nearly complete.  It just lacks a border.  Honey's table only has the little boxes (tumbling blocks) completed.

I have to say that I don't much like publishing a project in progress, but the writing bug has been gnawing at me all week and I just had to write something. 

Keep an eye out for the finished product.  Hopefully sometime in the near future.

I hope that you design something soon.  It's the best thing about quilting.


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