Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Pokemon Go (Away)

Once, long ago, I was the father of a ten year-old boy who was infatuated with Pokémon cards.  I didn't understand it then.  Now that I look back at it, I still don't understand it.  It was stupid.

Trying desperately to be a good father, I even went to the Pokémon movie.  It was the worse use of celluloid in the history of humankind.  But that might be giving it too much credit.

But, today's a new day.  I'm an enlightened man of the future, right?  Think again. 

Pokémon has raised his head again.

To quote Michael Corleone, "Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back again."

Just the other day, I was having a nice conversation with my ten year-old son.  He's now twenty-five and married.  He cut our conversation short because he and his wife were about to go out.  Innocently enough, I asked him where they were going.  His response shocked and stunned me.

They were going out to find Pokémon whatevers on their phones.

I know you don't believe me, but I tell the truth.  Apparently, Pokémon thingies are bound to geographical locations and you have to actually be at the location to get whatever it is that you get.  I'm not usually at a loss for words, but I just don't know what to say.

Did you know that there are traffic jams caused by this craze?  And not just one.  Shanghai, Taiwan, Central Park, New Orleans, Australia, just to name a few.

In Japan, a driver struck two pedestrians, killing one, injuring the other, while looking for a Pokémon whosit.

A 15 year-old girl in Pennsylvania was struck by a car while in pursuit of a Pokémon thing-a-ma-bob.  When asked about the incident, she blamed the game.  When her mother was asked about the incident, predictably, she also blamed the game.

Holy Mother of God, is this what parenting has come down to?  Neither the mother nor the child bears ANY responsibility here? 

Two men in California fell off a 90 foot cliff while looking for a Pokémon whatchamacallit.  They were in their 20's.  Supposedly grown men.

Oi vey.

Now there are traffic signs that warn drivers not to play Pokémon and drive.

It all makes me want to bury my face in my hands and disappear.

On the other hand, I should have seen it coming.

What else should I expect from a world where the next president is going to be either Hillary or The Donald?

It all makes me grouchy.

Get Off My Lawn!



  1. It's okay Curmudgeon we were born before 1991 and therefore are not capable of understanding. You 1991 the World Wide Web went public and the waves of (insert whichever dangerous wave believed by the tinfoil hat wearing group you subscribe to) caused by the monitors and wires were thrust into the breathable air and altered the DNA of all future generations. I blame Obama.

    1. OMG... Now I've summoned conspiracy theorists from the woodwork. Like the world needs more of those!!


  2. *waves hand* Hello, child of the late 90's here. In fact I can name each "creature" shown above and must say, Im quite disapointed my favorite was not up there. As someone who partakes in and finds enjoyment in this game however, I fear it is misunderstood in this portrayal. Like anything, poor choices and lack of judgement in a products usage can lead to foul consequences. The easiest way I can think to describe this is with the example of alcohol. How many accidents have been attributed to alcohol? Significantly more than catching virtual monsters. Yet in moderation, and good taste, it remains a way to lighten a conversation or relax after a tough day. It too is a recreation that if used improperly causes strife. It is not the game, nor is it the bottle, it's classic human error merely expressed now in technological form. (Except for cabinets. Each time I leave one of those open and bend down just to come up and be nearly given a concussion by one of those it is not my human error. Those things are out to kill.)


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